Chika Kisada(チカ キサダ)は、デザイナー幾左田 千佳が2014年に立ち上げたブランド。
“バレエのエレガンス、パンクの生命力。その儚さと強さ、相反するイメージの融合から生まれる「強いエレガンス」”をコンセプトに、仕草や動きにともなって漂う人間の美しさの移ろいと存在感を追及したシグネチャーラインとして、「Chika Kisada」を2014年より発表。
2016年に「TOKYO FASHION AWARD 2017」を受賞。
Chika Kisada is a brand launched by designer Chika Ikuzada in 2014.
After studying classical ballet since childhood, achieving numerous results in competitions and performing on stage as a ballet dancer, she launched "REKISAMI" in 2007.
"The elegance of ballet and the vitality of punk. Chika Kisada" was launched in 2014 as a signature line pursuing the transition and presence of human beauty that drifts with gestures and movements under the concept of "strong elegance" born from the fusion of fragility, strength, and contradictory images.
In 2016, Chika Kisada won the "TOKYO FASHION AWARD 2017".
“バレエのエレガンス、パンクの生命力。その儚さと強さ、相反するイメージの融合から生まれる「強いエレガンス」”をコンセプトに、仕草や動きにともなって漂う人間の美しさの移ろいと存在感を追及したシグネチャーラインとして、「Chika Kisada」を2014年より発表。
2016年に「TOKYO FASHION AWARD 2017」を受賞。
Chika Kisada is a brand launched by designer Chika Ikuzada in 2014.
After studying classical ballet since childhood, achieving numerous results in competitions and performing on stage as a ballet dancer, she launched "REKISAMI" in 2007.
"The elegance of ballet and the vitality of punk. Chika Kisada" was launched in 2014 as a signature line pursuing the transition and presence of human beauty that drifts with gestures and movements under the concept of "strong elegance" born from the fusion of fragility, strength, and contradictory images.
In 2016, Chika Kisada won the "TOKYO FASHION AWARD 2017".
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